Home Page vs Landing Page

I got asked today, What’s the difference between a Home Page and a Landing Page?

Do you know?

A Home Page is for people who know you…
It should display information to people wanting to know more about you. It is a base to explore all the content you have on your website – to let your regular customers find out more about you. read about your story, find out your contact details, your opening times, and see what you have been up to recently.

A Landing page is for people who don’t know you
It has only one job – to grab the attention of the newcomer, and make them do something spontaneous (register for an event, sign up to your newsletter) They want to know what you do, how it will benefit them, and, if they are interested, how they can join in. (they do not want to know your phone number, nor do they want to read your about me page!)


So what should become a landing page?

Let’s say, on my home page, I have:

  • my blog,
  • my online shop.
  • A blog post which says that I am taking part in an online congress coming up,
  • A blog post which says that I will be hosting my own webinar next month.

These different things are already on the home page, and written about in blog posts, but they are lost in all of the other details.


Example Landing Pages

To Attract More Customers; I would make the following landing pages:


Landing page 1: Online Congress Sign up Page

Content (Whats written on the page?): Exciting information about the Congress: who’s going to be speaking, what you will learn.

Call to Action (What do you want the viewer to do?): Register for the Online Congress. (A Big “Register for Free” button)


Landing Page 2: Join my Newsletter

Content: Information about why you should join the newsletter – what will you receive (a free gift?), Example of an email they will receive.

Call to Action: Register for the Newsletter (A Big Sign Up form asking for their Name and Email)


Landing Page 3: Join my Webinar

Content: What will you learn when you watch the webinar. how it will benefit you.

Call to Action: Sign up for the webinar (Big Sign up form.)


Landing Page 4: Single Product Page

Content: About the product, what problems does it solve? what benefits does it give the buyer?

Call to Action: Buy the Product (A Big Buy Now button)


Try it yourself

So take a look at your home page, and your recent blog posts, and make a list of ways you could split it up into bits that appeal to different audiences.

Think about:

  • How many pages can you make from your home page?
  • What would be your perfect audience for the separate page?
  • What your audience would get excited about?
  • what would they want to find out more about?
  • What would make your audience click the button and register or buy?

Start to create landing pages with a specific purpose, and start getting the conversion rates and sign ups that you deserve.